Europäischer Tag der Sprache
Welcome to my World!
As part of a project for the European Day of Languages, the roles were reversed in classes 4a, 4b and 4c at the Neue Mittelschule Pottendorf when several pupils became teachers of their mother tongue for the morning. Nine workshops were held by the pupils who taught their classmates and teachers a selection of useful phrases, greetings, vocabulary and even how to count in a variety of languages. After a morning of bite sized lessons, the pupils came together to taste bite sized portions of culinary delicacies and delights from around the world.
This experience not only provided the pupils with the opportunity to sample languages and dishes from other countries and cultures, but also to gain an insight into the world of their classmates beyond the school door. Many thoughts, words, ideas and recipes were exchanged throughout the day which will certainly leave a lasting impresion on all those who participated.